Top 10 Favourite Cook
Books (That you need to have in your collection)
As a huge cookery book
enthusiastic/hoarder/collector I wanted to put together a list of some of my
favourites that I’ve collected over the years. Some are recent, some not so recent
and some super ancient. The excitement and pleasure I get every time I pick up
these books can’t be beaten. I’m forever editing and adding titles to my Amazon
wish list and I’m constantly trying to find new spots round the house to store
them (the 4 kitchen shelves are jam packed as are the shelves in my bedroom and
I now have a stack by my bed that I like to peruse at night that is as tall as
me!) It now feels like I’m having to smuggle in new books due to lack of room in
the house and they are beginning to slightly take over. If you have the same
addiction I’d love to hear what books are currently topping your favourites
list. It’s been a hard call but I think this is where my top 10 are currently
sitting. I’m aware I’ve left out a load of strong contenders, Polpo, Jerusalem,
The Two Greedy Italians, A Girl and Her Greens, the list goes on (I’ve also got
Gizzie Erskines’s Healthy Appetite on it’s way to me as we speak). I’m sure on
a different day they’d be up there also but for now here’s where I’m at....